Even if you aren't local, please support your neighbors! The last Town Hall was supposed to be a Q&A session but wasn't. This one will be but please read through the details so you don't miss out on being able to ask questions.Read More
Conservative voice silenced over differing views/opinions and radio show cancelled. What happened to being a defender of free speech and liberty? Only those willing to defend the rights of the people are fit to hold office. Read More
Now, in less than a week, I will be forced to defend myself again in trial, facing a team of government attorneys, for peacefully standing outside St. Luke’s Hospital demanding that they give baby Cyrus back to his loving parents. If convicted, I will be fined thousands of dollars and will most likely spend months, if not a year in jail, away from my little family who need me. By the time I get out, St. Luke’s executives and Holland & Hart partners with help from a few Ada County Judges will do their best to strip my family from anything we have left.Read More